Sample recognition letter for teacher on best performance in exams. This letter is in recognition for the efforts of teacher done for her students and her hard work and devotion towards her profession is paid off in form of recognition letter. This format can help the kind administration in writing good words to their teaching staff.

Sample Recognition Letter for Teacher


Dear Linda Stiffen,

I am writing you this letter to thank you for all the exertions you took to make your student understand in this extremely difficult subject of yours. We are thankful to you for helping them in their studies in the school and even you managed classes outside the specific teaching hours! This much pain and sweat cannot be paid off with money or just an appreciation letter! It is the reflection of your hard work and passion for your students that resulted in their exams and it is first time ever in the academic history that the entire class has passed in their exams and few students even got straight A’s in this subject! It could not have been done without your determination and dedication.

We appreciate all you have done and in this connection we offer our gratitude in a smallest token of salary increase of yours from the next month and $500 as bonus to you. In your honour we have arranged a Congratulating Party where your fervent students wish to sing a tribute to you and we wish to hand you over what we just shared with would be a pleasure having your presence in the Conference Room number 5 at 3:00 pm sharp. Looking forward to you for compliance and once again thank you so much for your benevolence.

Yours Sincerely,

Mr. Petal Dean,

23 rd September, 2017.





Sample recognition letter for student due to best performance in exams. Recognitions are important in the lives of both teachers and students as they serve as encouraging tools in the careers ahead. Here are few samples for helping out others as ray of hope and guidance.

Sample Recognition Letter for Student


Dear Sarema Tom,

I am writing in support of Ms. Tom for showing A+ grades in O-Levels. It is immensely a matter of great pride for us that we have known Ms. Tom since September, l996. She was a member of a small tutorial that I taught in l996-97. Ms. Tom was a vigorous and meticulous member of the class. She challenged the rest of the class to reflect issues from new standpoints and often asked very pungent and imperative questions.

She selected to take on tough topics and fingered them well. Her course works were well-written, well-supported, systematized, well-ordered, and well-timed. It was evident that she really sought after to learn more and challenge herself in the field of academics. I congratulate you for your hard work and expect the same in the future to come. Have a great one!

Warm Wishes,

Mr. Dean,

23 rd September, 2017

Recognition Letter for Student due to good Performance in Debate Competition


I extend my warm wishing to Ms. Zambia Sawyer on her excellent show in Mega Debate Competition held at National level. She is a thorough brilliant and this school feels pride in having her. She also has interest in free- standing of academics. She has been an energetic member of school choir in a wayward singing group, and a member of the campus in Sports club.

She is also a member of the Dramatic House film society. Her aura and personality is magnificent. She is outbound and welcoming, but not governing. She has an understandable and genuine concern for others around her in the social circles. I hope she would continue the same in battling for the 1 st position in her debating field. You has become an asset of our school and we congratulate you on this hilarious winning victory!

Best Regards,

Mr. Chairman,

23 rd September, 2017.

Recognition Letter  for Student for being active in all Extra-Curricular Activities


Ms. Liza Stephen is a cultured and a very refined student of this school. She had earned academic and social laurels for her school in the past and she is continuing with this winning spirit till now! It is an honour for the school to have such gems in their classes.

She would be a brilliant student to have at this school for couple of years. She has times that she is zealous to share, but she is just as keen to learn as to teach and I feel very self-assured that she will be tremendously efficacious in all her future undertakings. She is blessed with a focused and resolute young personality. She I excellent and way too good in all areas of academic and non- academic activities and we admire her participation and winning demeanour. Accept our congratulation on your success!

Best Wishes,
