Complaint to Supplier for Bad Quality of Construction Material. Request letter to supplier for replacement of poor quality products and materials. You can modify these formats according to your need. Necessary changes can be done.

Warning Letter to Suppliers for Unsatisfactory Service


The HR Manager,

Coca Cola Industries,

Delhi, India

Subject: Regarding non Compliance of work allotted to you


We’d like to draw your attention to the following unsettling recent events. That is not in conformity with the terms and our understandings. First, your desired supplies; 1000 Coca-Cola cans are always being delayed for no apparent reason. This has caused severe interruption to our operations. Second, we discovered that many of the supplied products were improperly wrapped or even broken. That is simply unacceptable on any level.

As a result, you must resolve the difficulties in order to continue working and take the appropriate safeguards to ensure that they really do not occur again. We simply wanted to remind you that we entered into a contract that you must uphold. Failing to adhere will lead to the contract being canceled and the penalty provisions being activated.

We sincerely expect that you will be able to resolve this matter. I’m hoping for a prompt and favorable response from you. Thank you for your consideration and time.

Yours Truly,

Jack Ali

How to Write a Letter to Vendor for Poor Service


The HR Manager,

Tellus Industries,

Delhi, India

Subject: Regarding Non-Compliance with work allotted to you

Respected Sir,

The agreement for the delivery of phone covers and related things between your firm and our office was signed two months ago. However, shortly after the contract was signed, our office gave you a supply order for the delivery of goods to the site, which was in violation of the contract.

However, despite a reasonable two-month period, you have lacked any quantity from our supply order. As a result, it is critical to recognize that your irresponsibility is causing significant delays in our building project, which is eventually hurting our department’s reputation.

You are once again instructed to gather your resources and provide the store as soon as possible without wasting any more time. Above all, if you fail to supply the phone covers, the contract will be assigned to other vendors on a risk and cost basis. Furthermore, the contract’s loss will be deducted from the earnest money you have put at our office.

As a result, I hope you’ll take this message as a warning and fulfill the supply as soon as possible.

Yours Sincerely,

Falak Shabbir


Warning letter for unprofessional or unethical behavior is used for correcting the violations and it is issued to an employee for informing why his/her behavior is unacceptable due to multiple reasons. Everyone can use these formats according to need.

Warning Letter for Accusing of Gossip

Dear Mr, Jack,

I am writing this warning letter in great concern for our company’s reputation and progress. This warning letter is written under the statement that you have been accused of gossiping around the
office. It is an immense embarrassment for HR and management to hire an employee who ruins Company reputation in such an ill way. We have found some texts written by you about our CEO which are false. You are gossiping to different employees about our CEO and falsely accusing of him having a relationship with Ms. Kenny. This is unavoidable in any circumstance. You should know what you are talking about someone before speaking. This is not just about the CEO but about any employee. If you talk ill about anyone in the Company that will not be tolerated. Therefore, We have decided to issue this warning letter so you understand how important these issues are for Us. Our Company environment is healthy because we don’t entertain such behaviors.

Yours Sincerely,


Warning Letter for Accusing of Gossip( Teachers)

Dear Ms. Shelly,

This warning letter is being issued to you for the very last time. You have been accused of gossiping around the corridors of this school about the male senior teacher. This is downright non-acceptable for our school. Please understand the sensitivity of such comments on a human career and as well as school reputation. Our school is renowned because of its impeccable teachers who try to teach students academically and also morally. We form our student’s personalities and we cannot cost such rumors about our most senior teachers. This school has high standards from its establishment and we tried our best to maintain it in every way. We cannot let it go because you find it amusing to talk rumors about
teachers in a casual way. Your action matters in the premise of school. I hope you learn from this warning letter that any of your non-serious behavior will lead you to the termination.

Yours Truly,



Sample Warning Letter of Terms Violation in Business Partnership. These formats can be issued to partners or customer/clients due to various business matters. Multiple reasons can be shown according to requirement.

Sample Warning Letter of Term Violation in Partnership

Dear Business Partner,

This letter is a written warning letter regarding term violation. Before starting this business, we held a basic meeting just to discuss about the terms and regulations of running this business together. There has been 2 years to this business that we have not been in any quarrel or never faced any unsatisfactory payments or results. I am very disheartened to know that your team is not meeting all the criteria as they were before. Weekly budget of business were not up to date. Reports of machinery selling to the Head department were late. Some of the entries were missing. I have called you many times to discuss about the deadlines but you totaling declined it. I believe that this is very unethical and unprofessional behavior, which is not acceptable in any work environment. This written warning letter is being issued to you for the very first and last time.




Company Name:——————

Warning Letter Regarding Term Violation in Partnership

Dear Mr Methew,

Good Morning, It is very unprofessional and not at all acceptable to be not attentive about your work. I have to know that there were three important meetings with clients in this week, which you did not even attend and not even inform the clients about your unavailability. I tried to reach you several times, there was no luck, and then I have to know that you are on vacation in Canada. I am highly disappointed that you did not even care to inform me about your trip. If you could have told me, I would have handled the clients. I hope you are very aware that it is against all the rules we decided at the time of business setting. I am issuing you this warning letter regarding term violation. I hope that you make this partnership a priority and be more professional. There are some basic principles mandatory to follow for all the business partners.


Johnn Robert


Warning Letter to Teacher for Slapping a Student

Ms. Alexa Stewart

At Bluebird School, we offer quality education and security to our students. We have always tried our best to maintain our standards of education as compared to other schools. We always train our staff to avoid any substandard incident. Recently, we got call from one of the students’ parents of class 5. They complained about you slapping on minor thing. It is to inform you that we have not allowed any of the teacher from our staff to slap any student. It is against our rules. I would suggest you to go through the rule book once again and notice what you are permit and what not. This was very embarrassing moment for me and I have apologized to parents. I believe that they will take the kid to another school now. It is your first and last warning. Do not repeat this again or we have to take strict action against you.


Al-Ala School System

Warning Letter to Teacher for Beating Students

Ms. Delia Beth,

I am very shocked to know that you have slapped one of the children of class. This is extreme behavior, which is not acceptable in our school premises. We have never allowed any staff member to have a leisure to slap or hurt any kid of school in any way. It is not acceptable and have never happened in our school ever before. We have trained our teachers well to know the difference in politely handle the child or hitting the child. This was against all the principles of the school. I hope that it does not go on a social media and we have to deal with officials. If you see any problem in a kid, you have all rights to call their parents and talk to them about it but hitting a child is not acceptable in any way. This warning letter is last warning to you.


Message Grammar School


Sample warning letter for not sending report to concern department within due date. Easy templates are here.

Sample Warning Letter due to Late Report Submitting

Mr. Tom Lindsey,
Prime House Education School System,
Texas, United States of America.

Subject: Warning to student due to late submission of report


With due concern and agitate, I am here to warn you on not taking interest in your studies. Mr. Tom, you are a good student as your reputation says a lot about your character, but your casual attitude towards the frequent orders of your teacher fell as dead words! You paid no heed to his care and attention and showed rebellious attitude that resulted in late submission of the research report that was scheduled in the month of June, 2018, but you submitted it a day before! This attitude of yours will not be tolerated in future. Rest assure you will be responsible for your actions and the resulting consequences.

Best Regards,
Mr. Chairman,
23 rd July, 2018.

Sample Warning Letter to Employee due to Late Report Submitting

The Manager,
Lark Hood Steel Engineering Crafts,
Texas, United States of America.

Subject: Warning to employee due to report submission


Please be informed that you are held accountable for showing callous and very careless attitude towards your professional career and the related demands of it. The post report of the meeting agenda was your task to be completed on time, but I must say that, you failed in showing least sense of responsibility towards it. The post meetings reports are required for deriving the statistical data to show the improvement and comments/suggestions of the leading businessmen, but you took it as it was nothing to care about! For your insolence and lack of diligence, one month salary will not be served to you. Please be careful in future or you may leave.

Best Regards,
Mr. Chairman,
23 rd July, 2018


Dear Michael,

Workplace has some demands from its employees and by these basic demands company pay the reward to them. We have been monitoring your lack of interest in the work for past two weeks and have told you casually to be back on your routine as soon as possible. The main report of sight-seeing was needed on 12th of this month and you have submitted it after 15 days of deadline. There are some
basic ethics to follow. This is your last warning on this non serious attitude towards work. Your performance have been stringently been followed up by the administrator and we hope that you bring potential changes in your attitude so company would not take any hard decision.

Best Regards,


Warning Letter to a Student by School due to Frequent Absentees.The aims of education must be directed toward the development of each child’s personality and full potential, preparing children to participate in society and to do work that is rewarding and reasonably remunerative, and to continue learning throughout life. This is a sample easy format letter to warn a student due to frequent absentees by school authorities.

Warning Letter to a Student by School due to Frequent Absentees

Date 12.05.2018
Private and confidential

Mr. Carl.
Street no 5, lake city London

Subject: “warning letter to a student by school due to frequent absentees”

Dear Carl,

I am being issue you a warning letter to your frequent absentees form our school during the test session period of 17.2.2018 to 14.04.2018. This is a serious matter according to our rules and regulation of school and we cannot tolerate it any more.
Through this letter I am informing you that your attendance record is unsatisfactory, and that immediate improvement and action is required. This is your first and last warning letter. Your admission
would be terminated if your attendance will be not improved by 20.05.2018, and if you failed to attend upcoming test sessions you would be not only fined but you would be not promoted to other class. I propose that you would meet in my office with written excuse application with your both parents signature at 17.04.2018. Otherwise you have to come along with your parents to meet me. Because your non serious attitude cannot be facilitate anymore.
You will be acknowledged if you become not only punctual but regular as well as begin to take interest in your studies with determination. I hope positive response from your side. Else a serious action will take place against you which might lead to termination of your admission. You are given another chance because your previous academic record was above average and you have also some positions in extra curriculum activities.

Best Regards,

Mr. McDonald
Academic Director
City High School


Warning letter for absent without approval. Warning letter to employee for authorized absence. Warning letter to employee for excessive absence. Letter to employee regarding unauthorized absence.

Warning Letter for Absent Without Approval

Miss Anna Jane
London Schools of Accountancy

Subject: “Warning Letter to Teacher for frequent absent from school”.

Dear Madam,

With regard, this is to inform you that your frequent absentees from the job are representing your unprofessional attitude. Our policies did not allow a school teacher to carry such non serious attitude towards a job. We need enthusiastic teacher for our school because
your frequent absentees without approval may cause poor result of our students. This is your first and last warning from our side. If you will not maintain your regular attendance record, you will be terminated from our school.
Hopefully, you will take this seriously and will decrease your frequent absentees. Failing to do so may lead to termination of your employment. The school wishes you a bright career here. I look positive changes in your attendance record.


Mr. James William
Principle London Schools of Accountancy
Date 10.05.2018

Warning Letter for Absent Without Approval for Employee


Date 12.05.2018
Mr. John Jade
Lascotts 55 N jl London

Subject: warning letter for employee

Dear Jade,

I am writing to you about your frequent absentees form your job during the employment period of 17.12.2017 to 14.04.2018 with “Information System Associates FZF”. Through this letter I am advising you that your attendance record is unsatisfactory, and that immediate improvement is required. This is your second warning letter. Your employment will be terminated if your attendance will be not improved by 20.05.2018.I propose that we will meet again at 17.05.2018 to review your attendance and performance as well. Please let me know if this time is convenient for you.
You will be acknowledged if you become not only punctual but regular as well as perform your duties with determination. I hope positive response from your side. Otherwise a serious action will take place against you which might lead to termination of your job.


Mr. McDonald
Chief executive
Information System Associates FZF


Sample warning letter by parents to principal on increasing security guards.  Security plays a pivotal role in the lives of people nowadays whether it is the security of a child or an adult….it is equally matters and warnings are sent to respective high ups on seeing any loophole in the security system. This easy format can help such persons in coining good words for a good purpose. Please feel free to use this format for your own means. Sample letter format of warning letter by parents to principal on increasing security guards.

Warning Letter by Parents to Principal

The Principal,
Allied Aster High School for Boys,
Texas, United States of America.

Subject: Warning on the account of security guards

Respected Sir,

Good day! We hope you will be fine and safe in your life.
Sir, you knew what had happened in the school yesterday! My four year son had reached the home all by himself and well before the ending time of the school! The question here arises that how a child of this tender age crossed the gate of the school and nothing stirred in the administration of the school! All were sleeping together with the CCTV Cameras??? This is the biggest question on your administration and management? Where were the guards? Where were the teaching staff? Where were you? If my son had met any accident while crossing the roads that are rush and busy all the time! Who will be responsible for this act? Isn’t it reckless?
My son had reached home by himself and safe and I understand that
school routine is tight and hectic in these days so I am not filing FIR against your institute, but I warn you to keep a strict action in this regard and increase number of security guards in your school otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences.

Best Regards,

Mr. Rock Ronaldo,
13 th February, 2018.


Sample warning letter for teacher on frequent absenteeism. Warning letter for absent without approval. Warning Letter for Frequent Absenteeism to Teacher.Teaching is termed as mother of all professions as all the other professions take their birth from it. Teachers have heavy duties of teaching students not only syllabus, but also manners and culture and if teacher is not punctual then a lot of things will suffer which is not a good sign and deserve a warning letter. This easy format can be one such help for the high ups who want to draft good words and reasons to limit the teaching staff to certain limits.

Warning Letter for Teacher on Frequent

To Whom It May Concern

Reason of Warning: Warnings are sent on the grounds of late coming, taking leaves without prior intimation, misbehaving with the colleagues, beating students for no reason, using harsh language with the parents, frequent absenteeism and insubordination. All these actions are held objectionable and deserve warnings. On getting three warnings, the teacher will consider herself terminated from her/his seat.

Explanation: you are seen and held accountable for Absenteeism on frequent basis. This attitude is consider as reckless and unprofessional as your frequent absenteeism lagged behind the teaching and the learning of the students.
Possible Actions: You will be fired on getting three warnings from any of the above mentioned reasons. Refrain yourself from getting them.
Teacher’s Comment: if you have anything to say in this account you can give your write up here:
Areas to Develop on: You must come to school on regular basis and if you are facing any serious problem then you should avail immediate leave of a week or so, but avoid taking leaves on and off from the school as it disturb the routine of the work and the school.
Best Regards,

Mr. Principal,
13 th February, 2018.


Sample warning letter to site contractor for not following
safety norms. Contractors are responsible for completing the project as well as seeing whether the working in progress is going very well or there is some sort of loophole in the working conditions. Conforming to working conditions’ safety norms is mandatory to avoid any risk. This warning should be written in firm words as human life is at stake and can be used by individuals who wanted to catch up such persons.

Sample  Warning Letter to contractor for
Safety Norms

The Site Contractor,
Bit lily Bran UNICCO Firm,
Texas, United States of America.

Subject: Warning to site contractor for not following safety norms

Respected Sir,

Be informed that, I am Mr. Rood Ralph, the spokesperson of Meteoric Clinic Clench Firm. On the behalf of my company under the direct command of the Chairman, it is to convey you that we had seen you working off the scale in the compound of the factory. We had already conveyed to you in the clearest words that we are in no position of compromising the safety of our workers at any cost, but you are found breaching in the set norms of safety.

You are not asking the workers to wear mask during the spray of chemical in the designed containers and you were mindful of the fact that these chemicals are toxic in their very nature and affect the persons overall health. Take this notice as a warning letter or we are by all means in a position to seize your work and freeze the remaining amount of your contract as you are not following the safety norms mentioned in the consent and breaking the laws not considering its harms.

Your compliance is welcoming or you would be responsible for
your own actions and the result proceeded to it. This is the first and the final warning being sent to you in this connection so take it very seriously.


Mr. Chairman,
Meteoric Clinic Clench Firm.
6 th November, 2017.


Format of warning letter sample for site contractor on using poor material.  Constructions are made on certain reasons whether for business point of view or making of houses for living purpose or rental. Good quality material is required in any case and warnings are necessary in gearing the situation to right side. This format is helpful in finding the right words for right post.

Sample Warning Letter to Contractor

The Site Contractor,
Bristol Canoe Firm,
California, United States of America.

Subject: Warning for site contractor on using poor material

Dear Rick Dick,

Please be intimated that few months ago, you had signed the letter of agreement that said following things:

1-  The plot sized 1 kanal must be constructed as grey structured model.
2- The construction period must not exceed longer than four months.
3- A grade brick must be used in the building material.
4- Concrete and lantern material must be of excellent quality that will be used in the construction of the house.
5- In case, any of the above mentioned clauses ignored or found alternate to it and without intimation and consent of the owner, then the site contractor is liable to pay the fine for using poor material whether in concrete or bricks together with returning the poor material used in construction of the building.

I was routinely on survey to see the progress of the work and to my
surprise, the bricks I saw at the back side of the portico were of low
quality but the price was taken from me on the basis of A grade brick. I was not expecting this cheat even after the clearest words as written in the treaty. I demand the last clause of the agreement to be fulfilled by you or otherwise I will freeze your remaining amount. I hope you understand what I say.

Mr. Marlin Chuhaan,
6 th November, 2017


Sample Warning Letter format to Marketing Manager for Low Sale. Ups and downs go hand in hand in any business, but unprofessional behavior is not catered anywhere in the world of business. Warnings are served when peak of anything arose. They are meant as signs of correction and not as threats, but it should be taken seriously. Such format can be used by companies who wanted to alert their staff/manager or any concern person on low sale.

Sample Warning Letter to Marketing Manager for Low Sale


Mr. Brad Tom,

It is to inform you that you as Marketing Manager are not paying any heed to your Sales Department. It is clearly written and INFORMED to you all at the time of joining that Low Sale will not be tolerated at any cost!

It is a matter of prestige and reputation of our company and bearing bad name in name of LOW SALE is equal to death! We perfectly understand your personal issues and the problems of your department. We also accept your job is tough and we tried our level best to accommodate and facilitate you accordingly when and where need arise.

We are feeling sorry that you did not pay us off in the same way. You took our relaxation for granted and went deeper in the set comfort zone which is not at all appreciable in any sense! Your mode of relaxation resulted in low sales in your department. This is an insult to you and for us as well. With heavy hearts, we are compelled to issue you this letter, but don’t take it as an insult rather take it as a corrective measurement and a chance to improve yourself and a challenge to prove us wrong! Good luck!


Tobacco Mount Company,


Sample Clearance Letter or reply letter  for withholding Cash and Late Deposit by employee. Every employee can be used this reply format against show cause notice or warning letter according to need. Necessary changes can be done.

Sample Clearance Letter  for withholding Cash and Late Deposit

The Manager,
Human Resource Department
Union Cooperative Bank Limited,
New Delhi, India.

Subject: Clearance on notice for withholding cash and late deposit

Honourable Sir,

It is to relate very humbly that I was given the Show Cause Notice on the account of withholding the cash amount and depositing it late in the bank. I do admit the words uttered by your esteemed self but the reason behind this negligence was the system’s technical issue.

The upgradation took much time and then the working hours went to its ending time. I even waited an hour even after the pack up time but all in vain. By the next morning as soon as I stepped in the bank I deposited the cash of require amount in the bank. Kindly check the details so that the warning can evade from my side. Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours Truly,
Mr. Raibahadur
December, 3, 2015


Warning Letter for Teacher Misconduct Sample. This format to warn the teacher on misconduct on Parent Teacher meeting in school or college.This format letter is valid for all school, academies, colleges and universities for issuing warning letter to the teacher on misconduct.

Sample Warning Letter for Teacher Misconduct

Mr. Perdeep Singh Ashook!

You are a senior teacher of this educational system and you are serving this institute from old time which we should not mention to you as you are well aware of the services you rendered very well to this system.To my utmost disbelief and shock I received a complaint from many parents on the account of this recently passed Parent Teacher Meeting that you were not behaving according to the rules and customs of the PTM. You went on in lengthy and somewhat detailed personal matters of the parents which is by no means a policy of our educational system.

The point is Mr. Perdeep Singh Ashook that if the result of your students were not up to the level then it could not be the responsibility of the parents alone! In our training sessions and workshops you yourself conducted skimmed the idea that in Parent Teacher Meetings teachers are supposed to only stick and move around the main issuing area that is students’ performance whether bad or good and not on the case histories of the students to check where the problem arises that results in poor and weak performance of the student.

This is the first Warning given to you and if you collect three more Warning Letters that we regret we cannot ask for your services anymore.

Lt. Col Sherma Patail

Date: 29th Aug., 2015.

Warning letter for Teacher

Madam Ayesha Latif,
Senior School,
Good Field High School,
Karachi, Pakistan.

Subject: Warning letter for Teacher

You are hereby being warned that your absence without prior consent has been noted. It has come to my knowledge that you were informed on a priori basis that you may not take leave from school for two days during the annual examinations. Your absence created inconvenience for the students; it has also been found that the exam paper that you handed in to be conducted had certain semantic errors.
Previously it has been brought to my notice that your conduct towards your peers was not up to the mark. The school administration has high expectations of its staff members and believes that certain behaviors, insults, personal comments are unacceptable. You are being notified that is the last warning
being issued in this regard, further behavior of the like shall not be considered acceptable.

Madam Nargis Danial,
20 th September, 2016.


Warning Letter for Child Fee from School Sample.This warning letter is only for the parents who did not pay the outstanding fee of their child studying in schools, colleges and universities. You can change it according to your need.

Sample Warning Letter for Child Fee from School

Dear Parents,

I the Principal/ Chairperson/ Vice Chancellor of the institute_____________ is addressing you with much remorse and in very firm tone that off and on issuance of the reminders sent to you on diaries/receipts/circulars by the head teachers/administration office /clerical staff in regard of outstanding fee still unpaid by you to the institute. But no heed was paid to the notices sent for you in this regard.

We are running this wide spread institute on profit free basis and due to this reason we have to accumulate the money generated by fee of the students. With this generated fee we pay the salaries of our teaching staff, ancillary staff, guards and drivers.

A number of other tasks are also performed on the score of this accumulated money like electricity bills, gas bills, computer labs’ maintenance, library funds, internet access, science labs’ monthly renovation and bills of IT department and purchasing of new materials like computers, LED, LCD, furniture, projectors, transparencies, energy savers, television, books for libraries as well for deserving students schooled in the institute for good. Scholarship money is also squeezed from this money for the betterment of the educational growth of the disciples.

In case of non-payment of the outstanding fee that is incumbent on you as a liability, we will now struck off the name of your child from the admission list as well as from the attendance register of the class. This type of striking off/termination would badly affect the educational career of your child as you will not be given Leaving certificate without which your child will not get admission anywhere in the country. To escape this scary time deposit the fee as soon as possible in the institute or you alone will be responsible for the dire consequences.


Jozef Zurek
CIMS Inetrnational School


Warning Letter for School Students  Sample.This warning letter may be used by those schools, colleges or institutions where any student has misbehaved or done something against the rules and regulation and policies of a school. This letter would be like a warning to him that if he keeps on doing this again, strict action will be taken. Format of warning letter is given below for your convenience.

Warning Letter for Students from School

Grade 8,
Roll number 12.

Dear Ahsan Murtaza,

This is to inform you that you are going against the policies of this institution. You have already being told about all the rules and regulations but it seems like you took them for granted and therefore you are breaking the rules. Your class teacher has told me that you use your cell phone in class every time. This is one of the things that are not to be ignored. Using cell phones in class is strictly prohibited in classrooms. Several other students have also complained about you using your cell phone in class because it disturbs the whole class. Moreover, your rude behavior towards teachers and your fellow students is also not ignorable because it violates the standards set by the institution.

You are highly advised not to use your cell phone in classroom again otherwise strict actions will be taken. Your cellphone will be confiscated and you will be suspended from the school because you have already been warned once. The goal of our institution is that we want a positive, friendly and disciplined environment and you are expected to join us in achieving this goal. You are also advised to meet me personally tomorrow in my office at 11:00 am so that we can discuss it further.


Ahmed Moen

Sample letter format of warning for student due to usage of mobile phone. Warnings are sent to correct the students and it saves the future of child in the long run. Feel free to use this format.

Sample  Warning Notice for Student due to Usage of Mobile Phone

The Parents,
West Avenue, Cherry Wood lane,
California, United States of America.

Subject: Warning for student due to usage of mobile phone

Respected Parents,

With due respect and honour it is to state that I am Mr. Michel Jones, Invigilator of Board Examination. I had warned your child named Mr. Smith Wren for not using the cell phone in the examination, but he paid no heed to my warning, so I was pushed to contact you and you are being charged with $1000 and your child will give the paper again on the date intimated to you soon. Thank you.

Best Regards,

Mr. Michel Jones,
16th December, 2017.

Warning Letter for Use of Mobile Phone

Mr. Jamshed Sadiq
321 N Block New Garden Town,
Lahore, Pakistan

Subject: Warning letter for use of mobile phone

Dear Parents,

It has been observed that the students sneak in mobile phones on campus in violation of the school policy; all parents are hereby being warned that they take necessary measures to curb the problem
in question. The school has, in the recent past, found mobile phones in possession of a number of students even while the class was in progress. Although discipline committee has confiscated over a
dozen phones last week alone, the menace needs to be handled by all who are responsible.
You are hereby also informed that if your child brings a phone to school it shall not be returned, even on the parent’s request. The school discipline committee has discretion to refuse the handing over of such possessions. Please take measures to check your child’s bag before sending them to school.

School Management
Elite High School
Lahore, Pakistan
23 rd November, 


Sample Warning Letter For Failing To Fulfill The Commitment, due to poor performance and not fulfill the job commitment higher management issue this letter. This letter for department head/manager or for any employee.Format is given below.

Warning Letter for Failing to Fulfill the Commitment

The  Event Manager ,
Gourmet Office,

Subject: Poor Performance and not Fulfillment of Commitments Made

Dear Arshad Rana,

Kindly refer to the commitment made in meeting held on 11-3-2015 in your office under the chairmanship of undersigned.

It is sorry to say that no any commitment has been fulfilled made by your department staff even after laps of two weeks, which reflects that you and your staff have not taken any interest to fulfill commitments made. Moreover you were directed vide letter no 417 dated 13-3-2015 that every field officer will visit at least 5 event course and will submit report to undersigned daily, but no one bothered and did not submit any visit /tour note to undersigned.

It is once again directed to submit tour note on daily basis to undersigned without any fail. You are requested to take it serious and explain the reason of irresponsibility and disinterest in work within two days positively for further proceeds into the matter against the defaulters.

Copy is forwarded to information and further necessary action to the Chairman and HR Department.

Program Director,

Rana Ajmal


Sample Warning Letter to employee for Absent Without Intimation. This is most important aspect of issuing warning letter for violation of human resource policy, If any Government employee or private organization employee received a written warning letter for violating the company policy on attendance and after getting warning letter not take it serious then management will issue final and last warning letter to him/her for negligence regarding absence without intimation after that, they have authority to terminate that employee.

Warning Letter to employee for Absent Without Intimation Sample



Mr Muhammad Ramzan
Senior Clerk
Military Accounts,

Subject: Absent from Government Duty

Reference: Letter No. 142 dated 5-2-15, subsequent reminder No. 226 dated 27-2-15

You were directed vide above referred letter to attend your duty, but you failed to join your duty and remain absent from Government duty w.e.f 10-2-2015 to date. You are habitual absentee, the undersigned warned you many times verbally as well as in writing but all in vain. You did not try to improve yourself and put deaf ears towards the warning . This state of affairs is highly objectionable and show disinterest and negligence in Govt, duty at your part.

You are once again directed to attend your duty immediately and submit your written reply on account of absence from Government duty within three days positively after receipt of this letter. In case of failure strict disciplinary action will be initiated against you under the rules.

Director Officer

Dated: ____


Sample Warning letter for poor performance, If any employee or department members do not show good results or they are not doing all assigned tasks in organized form. The management will not tolerate and will issue a warning letter. Easy format of letter is given below for your convenience.

Warning Letter for Poor Performance Format

The Deputy District Officer

Subject: Poor Performance of Department Staff

Please refer to the Regional Manager Faisalabad vide letter no. RM/FSD 79-83, dated 6-3-2015 with subject cited above, addressed to the respected project Director Programme Management unit PIPPI, Lahore and copy thereof endorsed to this office. Wherein, he has reported that your progress under PIPIP components is extremely poor and not accordingly the time bound action plan given by the worthy Director General.

The progress of component in your city is still zero in spite of the passage of nine precious months of this financial year, which is very embarrassing and miserable. It is an indicator of the fact that you and your field staff are not paying full attention toward this core component of the project.

You are therefore, directed to look into the matter personally and sensitize/boost-up your field staff and complete your assigned targets pf all components under PIPIP till 30-6-2015. In case of failure, you will be held personally responsible for all the consequences.

Regional Project Director
PIPIP,Lahore Region,Lahore
Dated Lahore, 28-3-2015



Sample warning letter for security guard. If any guard does not show good performance and have careless attitude and other issues with staff members due to this reason management issues him warning letter. Easy format of warning letter is given below.

Warning Letter Format for Security Guard

Subject: Warning Letter to Security Guard for Unsatisfactory Performance

Mr. Rehman Raja,

You are working in organization since three years and company always supporting you in many occasions.You were time and again told by the supervisors to keep attentive on the main gate and stay alert to avoid any miss happening but you did not pay heed to what the authority said to you for your own betterment. This is the first warning letter issued to you and after third such letter you will be removed from your services. Be careful on your seat and watch the happenings with stern attitude as our country is perpetually in state of war with terrorism and other multidimensional calamities. Be sympathetic with young.

Hoping for Excellence.

Dated: 23-3-2015

Manager Human Resource

Warning Letter for Security Guard


It is found that you are not fulfilling the demand of your job in letter or spirit. You are often found sleeping in your seat and awaken by others time and again. You had been served three notifications, but it seems had no effect o you as you repeated the same! You are misbehaving with the visitors as well which is not tolerable for the management anymore. After one more Warning, consider yourself terminated from the job! Take cares.

Manager Admin



Warning Letter Format for Teacher

Teacher Name: ___________ Date: _____________

Designation: _________________

Subject: Warning Letter to Teacher for Poor Performance
After notifying you thrice on the score of your performance and the behavioral conduct that do not befit to the norms and the customs of the institution, It has been observed that since your joining you are not performing up-to the level that been expected, resulting to put you in the list of poor performers the authority reserves the autonomy to warn you before rusticating you from the organization. Hope the action would not be repeated in future.
Favourable compliance is forth seeking on your behalf.
Administrative Authority____________________
Dated: _______________
Teacher’s Signature: _________

Sample Warning Letter for Teacher on the basis Usage of Phone

To Whom It May Concern

Mr. Andrew Samuel
The Daffodils School System.

Subject: Warning letter for teacher

Mr. Andrew Samuel!

You are a man of letter and your worth is not hidden from your own very eyes as well. In the appointment letter it was clearly written and then vowed by you that using of mobiles in not permitted in the class as it makes the whole class to suffer them in their academic career. Oral warnings and notifications were given to you many a time but you took them very casually which I not a positive sign.

Your carefree attitude compelled me to take strict and unpleasant action against you in the form of written warning. Do mind it seriously otherwise you will be removed from your duties or we will take away your mobile from you.

Amelia John
September 10, 2015

Warning Letter for Teacher on the account of Bad Result

To Whom It May Concern

Ms. Martha Dole Way
United King’s School System.

Subject: Warning letter for teacher

Mr. Martha Dole Way!

I, as the head of the school, demanded an answer from you on the basis of your poor result of the class. You were given a warning letter before as well on the same issue i.e. showing bad result. Whatever may be the reasons of this low show, point is why you did not take it into notice of your higher head bodies?

Cutting sorry figures after the result is of no use! Consider this notice the last one warning and after this you will be retired from your services. We are sorry for this rudeness but you evoked me to take this dire action against you.

Mr. Andrew Carton
September 20, 2015


Sending warning via email are normal in the educational systems as it is the era of technology and paper system is out dated now. Warnings are not easy for both the giver and the begetter, but it is given when it becomes inevitable. Such format can help authorities in framing warning letter.

Warning Email for Teacher on the Account of Poor Result

To: Liza.mib@gmail.com

Subject: Warning letter for teacher

Mr. Mathew Earnest!

I am coordinator of the school, asking an answer from you on the basis of your poor result of the class. You were given a warning letter before as well on the same issue i.e. showing horrific result. Whatever may be the reasons of this low show, point is why you did not take it into notice of your higher head bodies? Cutting sorry figures after the result is of no use! Consider this notice the last one warning and after this you will be retired from your services. We are sorry for this insolence but you evoked me to take this grim action against you.


Ms. Elizay Tom
13 th January, 2017.


This is sample warning letter or Show cause notice format for employee. You can use it according to your need in this letter the inquiry officer shall submit his report and recommendations to the undersigned within given period of the initiation of inquiry. Every employee directly reported to inquiry officer.This is simple format of warning letter for Government and private sector employee.

Show Cause Notice

The Marketing Manager,
ABC Trust, UK.

Subject: Show Cause Notice

Mr. James,
This letter is to inform you that management has come to know about scamming in the donation amount. As you deal the associated section, it comes over you. A donation cheque of Rs. 100,000 (One Lac Rupees) was received by you in last week, Cheque Number: J6645 on 9th December, 2013. According to the policies of our organization the cash and cheque amounts has to be submitted in the Accounts Department within a day.

As per Accounts Department report no cheque or cash till now has been submitted by you. Whereas the receipt of Rs. 100,000 is sent to the donor, by you as it is to be sent by Accounts.

This is a serious issue and you are hereby given a period of 2 days  in order to explain your conduct related to amount of donation which is not submitted yet. If you were not able to give a satisfactory explanation, it will lead towards your suspension from employment in this firm along with a fine of Rs. 500,000 (Five Lac Rupees) and Company will not issue your experience or character certificate either.

ABC Trust.

Sample Show Cause Notice For Employee

Mr. Jameel Ahmed S/O Ahmed Abbas.
Deputy Director,
Fatima Group of Companies.

Subject: Show Cause Notice

Whereas a complaint against you lodged by Liaqat Ali s/o Ali Sher designation Plant Supervisor dated —– forums regarding use of substandard material in the contraction work, corruption and other serious allegations mentioned in the complaint.

And Whereas the undersigned appointed  Assistant deputy Director of Fatima Group of Karachi Office as an inquiry officer to en-quire the charges leveled against the accused official and submit this findings/ inquiry report. The same is still awaited. and Whereas the project manager project Implementation supervision consultants visited the plant and found that most of the grievances of the workers are valid/genuine. A photocopy of shortfalls pointed out by project manager is enclosed for early rectification.

The undersigned as competent authority of company checking employees efficiency discipline and accountability and inform all inefficient and corrupted employees warning  notice.

The employees accused official is directed to submit written defense to the inquiry officer within seven days of the date of issuance of this order.If the employee fails to submit his written defense within the prescribed period, It will be resumed that either he has no defense to offer or he has decline to offer the same and he has accepted the charges.

HR Department.


Warning letter for employee sample, written to staff members in order to warn them officially for various reasons. Warning letter for coming late, for short attendance, for improper work and many more. Easy template of employee warning letter to be used.

Sample Employee Warning Letter

Human Resource Department,
The Packaging Company,
Lahore, Pakistan.

Subject: warning notice for employees

Respected Sir,

Please be informed that a warning is being issued to all employees and should be communicated to them as such in a memorandum by your office; no smoking is to be tolerated in the factory area during work hours.

It has recently been brought to our notice that an employee risked the life of others and the safety of the workplace by smoking close to a high voltage industrial unit. Had someone not intervened he would have jeopardized the safety of all and sundry. In the future if such an incident is found, reported or brought to our notice we shall strict action against the accused and may terminate his employment as well. There is no scope, nor has there ever been for such criminal negligence in our company. We sincerely hope a second warning will never be needed.

Yours Truly,
Mr. Pasha Khan
3 rd December, 2016.

Warning Letter Template

Mr. Mathew,

Please be informed that this letter serves as an official letter from the office. We are writing because of your irregularity seen in the office. Authority of the office held the meeting to monitor the performance of the employees and your performance has been very unsatisfactory. You have been comping late to office and not providing efficient work. Please show some interest and regularity or your job would be terminated by officials of the company. This is your first warning letter. Next time there would be no warning letter just termination letter would be sent to you. You can reply to the e-mail.


Warning Letter For Employee (Late Comers)

Date: 12th June,2014.

Mr. Philips,
Accounts Officer,
AVO Organization.

Subject: Warning Letter

Dear Philips,

This letter will serve as an official warning to you. You are unable to keep you attendance record up to mark. The limit of allocated leaves has exceeded. Your attendance is not sufficient and it definitely have influence on your work. The major reason with your attendance is arriving late to office.

I expect you to take necessary steps to  correct the issues with you otherwise this would never be beared up and it may cause the management to take strict actions. It will damage your privilege and affect your job and allowances provided to you. Your official timings must be appropriate.

Please write down to the management soon in this regard. Your initiative would be a better choice for you.

In case of any queries, email at the address given below.



Warning Letter For Employee Misconduct Sample

Date: 3rd May,2014.

Mr. John Sims,
Marketing Officer,
AVO Organization.

Subject: Warning Letter

Dear John,

This letter is issued to you as a warning letter, it has been reported against you that you have misconducted with the lower staff members. You have also been negligent towards the specific duties assigned to you. This action of yours have showed carelessness and irresponsibility.

Management want you to write up about the reasons of your misconduct and give your explanation. If you will be unable to explain, then further strict actions would be taken, which may influence upon your job.

In case of any queries, e-mail at the address given below.



Warning Letter For Employee Poor Performance

Date: 14th July,2014.

Mrs. Iqra Khan.
Admin officer,
Tulip’s Organization.

Subject: Warning Letter 

Dear Iqra Khan,

The letter will be an official warning to you. This is issued to you for the purpose of your poor performance. You are unable to keep your record maintained. The current report issued by you isn’t properly made. As well since the last month you have not done any of your tasks properly.

It is a huge issue and administration is about to take serious action upon it. You are expected to write the explanations of the problems mentioned above. Otherwise higher authorities will not bear up your poor performance and it might lead to your termination of job.

In case of any queries, email at the address given below.



Warning Notice for Marketing Officer by Manager

To: RD Officer( Name)
From: RD Manager

Subject: Warning Notice 

This is to inform you that this letter will serve as official warning Letter to you. All the Donations and Cash amount from Donation Boxes should have to be submitted within a day. Any cash amount from collection should not be in department after one day. Otherwise Management is authoritative to take strict action. Be really careful for the next time.Cash deposit timings are in accounts department

In Morning: 9:00Am – 9.30Am
In Evening: 3:00Pm – 3:30 Pm



Warning Notice Email for Employee




Subject:Irresponsibility of  Mr.Hafiz Khan (Sr. Structural Engineer) In Work 


With reference to the above mentioned subject, kindly be informed that it has been observed that Mr.Hafiz Khan (Senior Structural Engineer) is not following the proper procedure to handle the projects and to reply to the client for their emails.

It is kindly requested you to take the necessary action as per the company rules and regulations and in accordance to issue him the warning letter if the same will be repeated again in future strictly action will be taken according to the rules and regulation of our Company.

Your utmost cooperation for this matter is highly appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,

Eng’r. Shadi Hassan                    Eng’r. Rehan Bajwa
Projects Director                         Head of Civil & Structural Department