[These are sample rejoining letter format after resignation from the company, job or employment due to any domestic or other reason. You can change the letter as per your requirements.]

1. Request Letter for Rejoining the Job


Authority name/Position name…

Institute Name…

Institute Address…

Sub: Letter for Rejoining Job

Respected Sir,

I am Name), an old employee of your company as Sales and Admin Officer (Job position) writing to request for rejoining the job. I resigned from the job due to some very serious domestic issues (Show your cause) and now again I am looking for a job. I request you to kindly consider me for the job because of my previous performance and achievements I made during the employment. I assure you that now there would be no such interceptions and I will perform my duties with sincerity, devotion and more commitment. Looking for your positive response.

Thanking you,


Previous Post…..

Contact no…


Another Format,

2. Rejoining the Organization after Resignation


Authority name/Position name…

Institute Name…

Institute Address…

Dear Sir,

Allow me to address you on the subject of rejoining the job after submitting resignation.

It is humbly stated that I have worked as Deputy Secretary Establishment (Previous post name) in Higher Education Department (Department name) from (date). Last year, on account of some domestic affairs (Show your cause), I submitted my resignation letter which was accepted soon. Afterward, I tried my best to resolve the issues pertaining to my career building but alas I could not make the grade.

Nowadays, I am jobless and not able to make a living that can fulfill needs of my family.

In the light of above-mentioned circumstances, I request you to please accept my rejoining on the same job which I left one year ago.

I shall be very thankful to you for this act of kindness

Yours Obediently,



Previous Post name….

Contact no…


3. Application for Rejoining Job after Medical Leave


The manager, HR department, Bata shoes, Lahore,

Subject: Rejoining At Job after Sick Leave

Respected sir,

With all due respect I would like to bring it to your knowledge that I have submitted a leave application 3 months ago as I was suffering from kidney disease, I was diagnosed with stones in my kidney, as advised by the doctor I was supposed to start my medication, and to have a complete bed rest for 3 months. I had undergone a surgery, and I am perfectly fine now.

I understand that work must go on, and I appreciate your cooperation with me in this time of need. I would like to inform you that I am fine now, and can join duty right after approval from the company. I am looking forward for a quick response as a have to continue the work. Your corporation will be highly appreciated. Thanks.

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Ali Khan

Sales department, Bata shoes, Lahore

4. Rejoin Company after Resignation Letter

To: Manager HR

Global Corporation

West Street, Rochedale, UK

Subject: Application for Job Rejoining

Dear Sir,

I am Ms. Minahil Qasim. I have worked for four years with your company, and performed very well during my job tenure. Four months back I resigned from the job due to domestic, and medical issues. Now all is good, I am medically fit, and domestic issues have be resolved. From a reliable source I came to know that the post I left is still vacant. I request you to please allow me to rejoin the job for the same post, and monthly salary. Now after some relaxation I believe that my performance would be more efficient. I will be great full to you.

Looking for your favorable response,

Sincerely Yours,

Minahil Qasim

5. Requesting Application Letter for Rejoining a Company as Accountant

Sample application letter for rejoining the company as accountant, manager accounts, accounts officer, finance manager, finance officer, audit officer after a long vocation, and leg injury.

Application for Rejoining as Accountant

Respected Manager HR,

I am Mujahid, was an accountant in your company for three years. Unfortunately I left the job because I wasn’t able to come to the office due to leg injury in a road accident. I remain absent for six months, and I also informed the company through an application about my problem. Now I am good in health, and want to join the company again. I request you to please consider my application for the same post I left “Accountant”, and give me a chance to work for the betterment of the company. I will be thankful to you.


Mujahid Amjad

6. Sample Application Letter for Rejoining a Company

·        Sample Application Letter for Rejoining a Company

·        Rejoining Letter after Having Medical Issues

Dear manager,

I am writing to you because I would like to rejoin the health care company. Three months I was forced to leave my job in your company as I had a liver infection, and I was very bad. The doctor told me that I would have enough time to wait for the process of leave, or holiday application, and so I left. The infection was very bad, and I had to wait for a liver transplant.

I would like to have my job back because I love working with this company, and I enjoy the work that I did. Helping people, and getting them better. I am a very hard worker, and I am motivated, and determined to succeed. I hope that you will give me my job back, and I look forward to hearing back your response.

Yours sincerely,

Miss Suzanna Lake

7.Sample Application for Rejoining Teaching Job

The Principal/Registrar,

School/College/Institute name….


Subject: Application for Rejoining Job

Respected Sir/Madam,

It is to say that I am (name….) and I did teaching in this admirable institution as (subject name..) for (how many years?). I left my job last year as my marriage was held (state your cause). But I want to re-join my job as a (subject name…) teacher as I found my life quite dreary without any occupation.

Teaching is my enthusiasm and I want to use my knowledge as I did before. I request you to kindly allow me to rejoin my job. I shall be obliged to you.

Thanking You.

Yours Sincerely,

8. Request Application for Rejoining Job

The CEO/HR Admin/Director,

Institute name….


Subject: Application for Rejoining Job

Respected Sir,

Pleased be informed that I am (name…) and I worked in (Institute name…) for (how many years?) as a (job designation; example) Customer Relation Officer. It is stated that I am student as well. Few months back, I got chance to complete my thesis/PHd abroad. I went to (country/City name…) and I left my job here in this regard.

Sir, I have come back after (time and date) and also completed my degree. I request you to kindly allow me to re-join my job as a (designation…) in this esteemed place. I shall be highly grateful for this.

Thanking You I Remain,





Date with Sign….

9.Rejoining after wedding

Date: 29-09-2021

Aditi Lakshmi

PJ Marketing

Subject: Letter For Rejoining Job

Dear Ma'am,

I worked for your organisation as a content writer from May 2019 to May 2021. I am writing to request to rejoin after a four-month break to adjust to my newly married life. I hope that you will consider my previous performance and the commendations of my manager to allow me to take on my role again. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Thanks and regards,

Sanchita Jain

10.Returning to the location

Date: 24-10-2021

Durga Kumar

Patel Services for Hire

Subject: Letter For Rejoining Job

Dear Ma'am,

I worked with your organisation as a marketing executive from February 2017 to October 2020. I had to leave a year ago as I was relocating to Bangalore to be with my ailing mother. Since she is recovering, I am returning to Pune and hope to rejoin.

Before leaving, I had served devotedly in my previous role. I hope this will be taken into account when you are making your decision. Looking forward to a positive response from you.

Thanks and regards,

Muhammad Ali

11. Dissatisfied with the new job or company

Date: 13-09-2021

Sai Muhammad

Systems Scores

Subject: Letter For Rejoining Job

Dear Sir,

I worked as an HR executive with your company but quit three months ago to accept a new job offer. Unfortunately, after a month of joining, I realised that the job was quite contrary to my expectations and lacked growth potential. I recalled my past experience at your company where my role was extremely fulfilling and I felt truly appreciated for my contributions. It was a wrong decision to move on at that time and, therefore, I sincerely wish to rejoin.

I had been a dedicated employee of your company for four years and parted with all the due formalities completed. I hope you will allow me to return to work. I eagerly look forward to your response and hope to serve again.

Thanks and regards,

Aravind Adiga

12.Rejoining after additional studies or upskilling

A lot of professionals take time off from work to learn new skills that can benefit them in the workplace. If this is the case for you, here is an example letter you can use to ask your previous employer to rejoin:

Date: 05-10-2021

Fatima Reddy

Knowledge Marketing Services

Subject: Letter For Rejoining Job

Dear Ma'am,

I worked as a PR executive with your company, but I had to resign two years ago to pursue a master's degree in public relations. I am now desirous of returning to work and serving the company with my upgraded skills and knowledge. I hope you will consider my recent qualifications and past experience with the company to give me a chance to rejoin. Hoping to hear from you soon.

Thanks and regards,

Salman Rushdie

13. Returning after grieving the loss of a loved one

If you experienced a loss in the family, here is a rejoin letter you may use to guide your own:

Date: 21-09-2021

Prisha Jain

Advent Airlines

Subject: Letter For Rejoining Job

Dear Ma'am,

I worked as a cabin crew with your airline, but I had to resign six months ago as I had lost my elder sister to cancer. It had been a really tough time in my life. However, I am ready to resume flying duties and take to the skies again. I believe this is the best decision for me mentally and emotionally.

To reassure you that I am in a fully functional state to handle crew duties, I have undergone therapy. Recently, my therapist has declared me fit to resume duty. A copy of the document is attached to this letter. As per the protocol, I am also willing to undergo all the necessary airline medical checks to ascertain that I am fully fit to fly. I hope to hear from you soon.

Thanks and regards,

Anita Desai

14. Returning after recovering from medical issues

Here is an example rejoin letter after leaving a role due to medical issues:

Date: 14-10-2021

Rudra Laghari

Pavarti Clinical Research

Subject: Letter For Rejoining Job

Dear Sir,

I worked with your company as a research assistant but I had to resign five months ago as I acquired tuberculosis and was confined at home. I am now fully recovered and in a perfectly healthy state to resume work.

During my two years at your laboratories, I had been a dedicated research assistant. I hope that you will consider this and the feedback of my mentors to give me a chance to take on my role once again. I am eager to get back and continue my research journey from where I left off. Looking forward to a positive response from you.

Thanks and regards,

Natasha Gonda

15. Inability to find another suitable job

If you have been unsuccessful in finding a more suitable position, then you may wish to rejoin your previous employer. Here is an example letter you can use:

Date: 21-09-2021

Advik Arya

Exact Web Design

Subject: Letter for Rejoining Job

Dear Sir,

I worked with your company as a web developer and resigned eight months ago to accept another job offer. Unfortunately, that company went into losses and got dissolved due to a dispute between the directors. I have been unemployed ever since. A few job opportunities did come along, but they were below my expectations in terms of the role and remuneration.

I recall my role at your company and the job satisfaction it offered me. I hope that I can find my purpose again by rejoining the job that I had left behind. I miss working at your company and many colleagues that I am still occasionally in touch with. I hope you will consider my experience and positive appraisals and give me a chance to reclaim my previous role. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thanks and regards,

Daniel Braganza

16. Application for Rejoining Job after Resignation

The Managing Director,
Falcon’s Agency, Italy.

Subject: Application for Rejoining Job

Respected Sir,

It is stated that I am John Green and I provided my services to your esteemed organization as a HR Manager since 6 years from 2008-2013. Last year, I shifted my accommodation due to some family issues and for that purpose I unintentionally had to leave my job.

Now, as my personal issues are sorted out I have came back to Italy. Being a competent  and loyal person I request you to kindly allow me to re-join my job. You have observed my sincerity in my work. My experience is up-to-date.

I had been a part of this group and re-joining the organization would be a source of pleasure and not less than a golden chance. My resume is attached and I hope that I will not get disappointed by your side.
Thanking You In Anticipation,

Yours Sincerely,

John Green.

17. Easy Format of Application for Rejoining Job

The Concerned Person,
ABC Organization.

Subject: Application for Rejoining Job

Respected Sir,

With reverence and pleasure this is to inform you that, I have been on a visit abroad which went great, and now I am back. I was working at the position of Administrator in this organization and I had to leave job because, I was unaware of the time which I had to spend there. As, It’s been 3 months only, on account of my service tenure and experience in your prestigious organization I wish to rejoin my job. If a meeting would be arranged in this regard, I would be grateful to you for this.
Thanking You.


18.Sample Application for Rejoining Job

The Director,
Barclays Bank, Lahore

Subject: Application for Rejoining Job

Respected Sir,

Pleased be informed that I am Sania Habib and I worked in Barclays Bank for 3 years as a Customer Relation Officer. It is stated that I am student as well. Few months back, I got chance to complete my thesis abroad. I went to UAE and I left my job here in this regard.

Sir, I have came back after 5 months and also completed my degree. I request you to kindly allow me to re-join my job as a CRO in this prestigious place. I shall be highly obliged for this.

Thanking You I Remain,


Sania Habib.

19.Application for Rejoining Teaching Job

The Principal,
Beaconhouse School System, Karachi.

Subject: Application for Rejoining Job

Respected Madam,

It is to say that I am Mrs. Anam Amjad and I did teaching in this worthy institution as Maths Teacher for 3 years. I left my job last year as my marriage was held. But I want to re-join my job as a Maths teacher as I found my life quite boring without any profession.

Teaching is my passion and I want to use my knowledge as I did before. I request you to kindly allow me to rejoin my job. I shall be grateful to you.

Thanking You.

Yours Sincerely,

Mrs. Anam Amjad